Adams Forecasts:
Video Sell-Through to 2012

All the Key Data Points In The Video Sell-Through Business 
Now Available in One Concise Edition!

The box-office gets the hype, but the sale of videocassettes and DVDs to consumers represents the largest component of consumer spending on movies, having eclipsed its companion video rental market for the first time in 2001. Consumers spent $10.3 billion buying in excess of 700 million units last year.

The main driver of this exceptional growth is the successful roll-out of DVD as a replacement technology for the VCR.  Pushing into households at an unheard of rate, DVD lays claim to being the most successful consumer platform since the birth of the television era in the late 1940s.

Adams Forecasts: Video Sell-Through to 2012 includes: 
Concise analysis of key trends: past, present, and future
· AMR’s proprietary economic model of sell-through: history from 1981 and

  projections to 2012 (see details below)

· Detailed tracking of per-household purchasing behavior and the shift to DVD
· DVD Set-Top, multi-purpose game consoles and PC DVD-ROM penetration
· DVD inventory growth at retail
· Pricing trends: retail and wholesale
· Sell-Through Analyzed: Rental and VOD Impacts

Hollywood Aftermarket Subscriber Price                                         $275  
Non-Subscriber Price                                                                      $450


Data Points from AMR Sell-Through Model: 1981-2012:

Home Video Hardware Penetration:

Year-End TV Households (HH)

Year-End VCR-Using HH

Set-Top DVD Players Shipped

Year-End Set-Top Console DVD HH

Console Penetration of TV HH

VHS Sell-Through (ST) Consumer Spending:

Annual Buys/Average HH

Total VHS Units Sold to Consumers

Average Price

VHS ST Spending

Year-End VHS Inventory

VHS Pipeline Growth (Reduction)

Net VHS Units Shipped to ST

Net Supplier VHS ST Revenue

Gross VHS Units Shipped to ST

Gross Supplier VHS ST Revenue

DVD Sell - Through Consumer Spending:

Annual Disc Buys/Average Console HH

SW Units Sold to Set - Top Console HH

Average Price

DVD Console HH ST Spending

Year-End Multi-Purpose (Game) Console HH

Year-End Multi-Purpose (MP) HH Without Console DVD

SW Units Per MP-Only HH

SW Units Sold To MP - Only HH


Year-End HH W/OUT DVD-Video or MP-DVD

SW Units Per  PC-DVD-Only HH

SW Units Sold To PC-Only HH

DVD Sell-Through Pipeline Fill:

New DVD Stores

Year-End DVD Stores

Average Inventory / Store

New Warehouses Stocked

Year-End Warehouses

Average Inventory/Warehouse

Total Industry Inventory

Total Pipeline Disc Sold

Studio ST Pipeline Revenue

DVD Sell-Through Totals:

Year-End Total DVD HH - all types (unduplicated)

Penetration of TV HH

Total DVD Units Sold to Consumers

DVD ST Spending

DVD ST Net Units Shipped

Net Supplier DVD ST Revenue

Gross DVD Units Shipped to ST

Gross Supplier DVD ST Revenue

VHS & DVD Combined Totals:

Total Video Units Bought

Total Sell-Through Spending

Gross Supplier St Revenue

Net Supplier Sell-Through Revenue

% Change

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