Adams Forecasts:
A' La Carte Networks to 2012

Pay-Per-View, Near-Video-on-Demand, Video-on-Demand:
All the Crucial ALC Network Data and Analysis 
You Need in an Easy to Access Format!

Will VOD break all the rules, because it is a truly superior consumer proposition? After years of promises, true video-on-demand (VOD) is a reality over cable networks. And since the decision to add VOD capability in the cable environment is in the hands of the network operator, the ramp-up to ubiquity could be more rapid than past video platforms.

Wall Street and cable MSO's are hoping that the deployment of VOD will be a home run with consumers, the way its predecessors PPV and NVOD never were. But new technologies often find tough competition from delivery pipelines that are adequately satisfying consumer demand – in this case, video rental and sell-through. Order a copy of A La Carte Networks to 2012 and get AMR’s latest thinking on whether VOD is truly cable's next killer-app, and how much the ALC markets will be worth to Hollywood over the decade ahead.  

A la Carte Networks
to 2012

  • AMR’s proprietary economic model of ALC networks: Homes, Spending and Supplier Revenue. History from 1994, Projections to 20212 (see details below)

  • Analysis of past, present and future of all a la carte TV networks: Cable, DBS, Wireless Cable, SMATV, and C-band

  • Historic and projected buy-rates: PPV, NVOD, VOD 

  • Evaluations of competing consumer propositions

  • ALC’s competition with incumbent movie pipelines

  • Pricing Trends

  • Historic and projected buy-rates: PPV, NVOD, VOD 

Hollywood Aftermarket Subscriber Price                                                    $275  
Non-Subscriber Price                                                                                 $450


Data Points from AMR A La Carte Model: 1981-2012:  

Subscription TV Market - All Pipeline:

Year-End U.S. Television HH

Year-End Basic Subscriptions

A La Carte Services - All Pipeline:

Year-End A La Carte Homes

% of TV HH

A La Carte Movie Buys

Total A La Carte Movie Spending

Studio A La Carte Movie Revenue

A La Carte Movie Services by Pipeline Cable:

Year-End Homes Passed

Year-End Basic Subs

YE PPV Movie HH (12< ch.)

Average PPV Homes

Avg. Monthly PPV Movie Buy Rate

Average Price/Buy

PPV Buys

PPV Movie Spending

YE  NVOD Movie HH (13+ ch.)

Avg. Monthly NVOD Movie Buy Rate

Average Price/Buy


NVOD Movie Spending


Monthly VOD Movie Buy Rate

VOD Movie Buys

Average Price/Buy

VOD Movie Spending

Y-E Total A La Carte Movie Homes

Blended Avg. ALC Buy Rate

Total Cable A La Carte Movie Spending

Studio A La Carte Movie Revenue

Satellite Industry DBS:

Year-End U.S. DBS Subs


Weighted Average DBS Buy Rate


DBS NVOD (ALC) Spending

Studio DBS ALC Revenue


Year-End C-Band Subs

Year-End PPV Households

Monthly PPV Movie Buy Rate

PPV Price/Buy

PPV Buys

PPV Movie Spending

Studio % of Spending

Studio C-Band ALC Revenue

Wireless Cable Industry:

Year-End Basic Subscribers

Year-End PPV Households

PPV Price/Buy

Monthly PPV Movie Buy Rate

PPV Buys

PPV Movie Spending

Studio % of Spending

Studio Wireless ALC Revenue

SMATV Industry:

Year-End Basic Subscribers

Year-End PPV Households

Monthly Movie Buy Rate


PPV Buys

PPV Movie Spending

Studio % of Spending

SMATV Studio ALC Revenue

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